Green Planet Club

Going Green at Carclaze
At the start of term, the children in Green Planet Club, were asked to bring in any small unwanted or broken plastic toys, pens, lids, pots -anything small and plastic that could be re-used in some way, along with a variety of paper.
So far, our Green Club members have recycled paper, magazines, comics and wrapping paper to make their own bowls. They have also created a giant sized rainbow frame, decorated with some of the recycled toys and pens. 

They are currently working on ‘Save our Earth’ posters to put up around school to remind people about saving water, to recycle, walk etc.  
After half term we plan to use the remaining plastic toys & lids to create some wall art.
Keep up the good work Team Green - we can't wait to see the posters and hear about all your recycling fun!