SEND at Carclaze
How do we support children with SEND?
During their time at primary school many pupils will need additional or different support in order to help them overcome barriers to learning and fulfil their potential. Once identified as having additional needs, pupils are placed on the School Record of Need (RON) register.
Children may be identified as 'On Alert' or 'SEN Support'. Children can be identified as having special educational needs for four reasons:
Cognition and learning:
This category covers a wide range of needs, including moderate learning difficulties (MLD) and more specific learning difficulties like dyslexia and dyscalculia.
Communication and Interaction
This involves pupils who have difficulty in communicating with others. This may be because they have difficulty with processing information, communicating verbally, understanding what is being said to them or understanding the conventions and rules of social communication.
Social, emotional and mental health
Children may experience a wide range of social and emotional difficulties which can manifest themselves in a range of ways. These may include becoming withdrawn or isolated, as well as displaying challenging, disruptive behaviours. This category also includes disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder or attachment issues.
Sensory and/or physical needs
Some children need special educational provision due to a disability. Pupils with a visual impairment (VI), hearing impairment (HI), physical disability(PD) or sensory needs may require specialist support and/or equipment to access learning and ensure full involvement in school activities.
Once concerns are identified a conversation will take place between class teacher, parents/carers and the SENDCo. Please see below for the different levels of support:
- On Alert: If with good teaching and appropriate intervention a pupil is failing to make appropriate progress and falling below age group expectations they will be designated as On Alert.
- SEN Support: At this stage the child has a “Next Steps” document with individual short term learning goals and provision which is reviewed termly by the class teacher and parents. Additional support and advice may be sort from outside agencies.
- Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP): A very small proportion of pupils with more profound and complex needs will require more specialist 1:1 support and schools can apply for an Educational Health Care Plan. The first £6000 of provision for any pupil must be met within the school’s budget and this has to be evidenced before applying for any additional funding. The provision listed on an Educational Health Care Plan is a statutory requirement
Pupils on SEN Support or who have Education Health Care plans have their progress and provision monitored through the school’s termly Plan, Do, Review cycle.
This involves a termly meeting with the class teacher and parents, where progress towards targets is reviewed, new targets are agreed and appropriate provision planned to scaffold the pupil’s progress so that the targets are achieved.
In addition, with parental agreement we may seek support or advice from a range of outside professionals.
Class teachers and the SENDCo are keen to work with parents to ensure the best provision and outcomes for all pupils including those with SEND. If you have any questions about your child’s targets, learning, progress or well being please do not hesitate to request an appointment through the school office.