Speech and Language Therapy

At Carclaze Community Primary School we have a trained Speech and Language Teaching Assistants - Mrs Tanya Bilkey.
We are able to offer support for pupils that would benefit from input on either a one to one level or in a small group to assist with their speech, sound and language development - essential for literacy and social skills progression. Our speech and language teaching assistant works alongside a Speech and Language Therapist from St Austell Community Hospital.  The Therapist meets with our SENDCo and Mrs Bilkey to assess pupils' progress and advise on recommendations for each child.
Parents/Carers are kept fully informed of their child's progress throughout the programme and are actively encouraged to be part of their child's success. Families are free to speak to us at any time.
These are some of the areas we might target in our sessions with pupils:
Speech sound practice for clarity and production of clear speech sounds - Essential for progression in all areas of literacy and communication.
Support different learning styles Children benefit from support to work with their own learning style - pictures, listening or hands on active learners.
Pre-topic learning Introduction of new vocabulary the pupils will be learning the following week e.g. topic/stories through to mathematical terminology.
Check pupils' level of understanding, providing Support with words, phrases and sentences used in daily speech and literacy.  
Development of pupils' vocabulary - Auditory processing support - Attention and listening support.  
All sessions are in a friendly, relaxed learning environment, conducive to children's lifelong learning.