The SEND Team

  • Mrs Sandra Gynn


    In my role as SENDCO, I manage the SEND provision within the school, ensuring that all children with additional needs can fully access the curriculum. I manage both in-house interventions and all referrals to external and County agencies, coordinating the additional support and provisions. I liaise closely with both teaching staff and support staff in an advisory role and continually monitor the progress of our pupils with additional needs.

  • Mrs Sam Lenz-Williams

    Counsellor and Autism Champion

    I work with groups and individuals to support their social, emotional and behavioural development and wellbeing. As Autism Champion I work with groups or individual students to work on areas they may be finding challenging. I also work with teachers, pupils, parents and carers and the SENDCO to ensure that appropriate provision and support is in place for learning for children with ASD.

  • Mrs Daphne Booth

    Dyslexia Champion

    My role is to screen children identified as at risk of dyslexia and to work with teachers, pupils, parents and carers and the SENDCO to ensure that appropriate provision and support is in place for learning for children with dyslexia.

  • Mrs Tanya Bilkey

    Speech and Language Assistants

    I work with children with identified speech and language difficulties – this can be pronunciation difficulties or difficulty with expressive and receptive language. In my sessions, I implement advice from speech and language therapists, targeting each child’s specific needs. There is a page on Speech and Language Therapy provision that gives more detail about the support we offer.